Southall Church Podcast
Welcome to the weekly podcast of Southall Church! Our mission is to follow Jesus, become like Jesus, and live as Jesus lived. To learn more, find us on: Facebook at southallchurchtn, Instagram, YouTube @SouthallChurch or visit our website at
Podcasting since 2017 • 419 episodes
Southall Church Podcast
Latest Episodes
Follow. Become. Live. // Live as Jesus Lived
Just as the disciples were apprentices of Jesus, reflecting His way of life, we are called to do the same. The question isn’t just “What would Jesus do?” but “How would Jesus live His life if He were me?”
Follow. Become. Live. // Become Like Jesus
In John 15, Jesus invites us to abide in Him — but how do we live this out? By cultivating spiritual practices such as prayer, reading Scripture, and building community, not only does our outward behavior change, but our character is transforme...
Follow. Become. Live. // Follow Jesus
Like Simon Peter, in Luke 5:1-11, we are called to surrender our plans and follow Jesus, trusting Him even when it doesn’t make sense. Jesus invites us into a new, transformative life that is set free from the power of sin.