Southall Church Podcast
Welcome to the weekly podcast of Southall Church! Our mission is to follow Jesus, become like Jesus, and live as Jesus lived. To learn more, find us on: Facebook at southallchurchtn, Instagram @southall.church, YouTube @SouthallChurch or visit our website at gracechapel.net.
424 episodes
In The Beginning // Divorce & Remarriage
God designed marriage as a sacred covenant, but in a fallen world, what does Jesus say about divorce? Even in the midst of the most painful circumstances, God has grace and redemption for every one of us. He can transform our greatest trials in...

In The Beginning // Male & Female
God created both men and women in His image, His character, and His nature, designing His children with intrinsic value. The Bible holds both male and female, masculine and feminine, as distinctly different but unbelievably important and equal ...

In the Beginning // Singleness
Singleness is a gift from God, and it is a noble calling—one that is given for the purpose of serving Jesus and advancing His Kingdom. Biblical singleness, or celibacy, goes far beyond abstinence. It is about fully dedicating one’s time, talent...

In The Beginning // Sex & Sexuality
There are two common worldviews of sex: that it’s just physical, or it is something to be ashamed of. But the Bible tells us that it is deeply spiritual and a sacred gift, designed to be enjoyed within the confines of marriage. When we align ou...

In The Beginning // Marriage
How did God design the marriage relationship to function? How do healthy marriages thrive? By growing in our love for God and looking to Him to meet all of our needs, we are then able to show Christlike love to our spouse and center the relatio...

Follow. Become. Live. // Live as Jesus Lived
Just as the disciples were apprentices of Jesus, reflecting His way of life, we are called to do the same. The question isn’t just “What would Jesus do?” but “How would Jesus live His life if He were me?”

Follow. Become. Live. // Become Like Jesus
In John 15, Jesus invites us to abide in Him — but how do we live this out? By cultivating spiritual practices such as prayer, reading Scripture, and building community, not only does our outward behavior change, but our character is transforme...

Follow. Become. Live. // Follow Jesus
Like Simon Peter, in Luke 5:1-11, we are called to surrender our plans and follow Jesus, trusting Him even when it doesn’t make sense. Jesus invites us into a new, transformative life that is set free from the power of sin.

Southall Church Celebration Sunday
Today marked our first official Sunday as Southall Church! As we step into this new season, Pastor Rob shared about how we, as Christians, embrace and enter a new chapter with a renewed commitment, as a new creation.

A Weary World Rejoices // The Throne of David
In the midst of darkness and despair, God answered by sending His son, Jesus, bringing light and hope to a weary world. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus offers redemption and victory over sin to anyone who receives Him.

Resilient Hope // Waiting & Watching
1 Peter 5:1-11 tells us that by trusting God’s timing, humbling ourselves before Him, and resisting the enemy, we can hold onto the hope that Christ will restore and strengthen us, no matter what we are facing.

Resilient Hope // Do Not Be Surprised
In 1 Peter 4:12-19, Peter calls Christians in “fiery trials” to remain sober-minded, rejoice in the glory of God, and resist the devil’s tactics by standing firm in their faith.

Resilient Hope // Armed & Ready
Are you focused on things that truly matter? We want to live radically different lives—lives that are armed with the mind of Christ, lives that swim against the current, and lives that are focused on the return of Christ!

Resilient Hope // Courage & Conscience
How do we find strength, hope, and courage to preserve in the midst of the disappointments, toil, and pain of life? In 1 Peter 3, Peter says to respond to these difficulties through seeking peace, standing firm, and celebrating the Gospel.

Resilient Hope // Submission & Servanthood
How do we patiently and persistently show up in a way that is pleasing to God in our work, our homes, and our relationship to the government? How do we honor Christ in all of our complex and difficult circumstances? We are to look to the founde...

Resilient Hope // Formed & Faithful
As exiles and sojourners, our role is to engage faithfully, endure patiently, persevere through injustice, and know that Jesus is the King.

Resilient Hope // Building & Belonging
1 Peter 2:4-10 tells us that God is the builder, Jesus is the cornerstone, and we are living stones. We are being fashioned together by the master builder to become a dwelling place for the Spirit of God!

Resilient Hope // Grace & Growth
In Christ, you don’t have fading life. You have everlasting life. For the rest of our time here on earth, as exiles, waiting for our true home, we are invited into a life of grace and growth.

Resilient Hope // Hope & Holiness
In 1 Peter 1:13-16, Peter gives us five commands in light of a purified faith, salvation, and the inevitable return of Christ: Prepare your mind, be sober-minded, set your hope, don’t go back, and be holy!

Resilient Hope // Empires & Eternity
How do we navigate the days in which we’re living? What does it mean to be faithful citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven while living in the empires of men? One simple fact remains: Empires come and go, but the Kingdom of God remains forever.

Vision // The Discipleship Pathway
In the good and difficult seasons of life, how do we know that we’re making progress as followers of Christ? How do we know what our next steps are? The Discipleship Pathway lists the five stages of spiritual growth in which we can identify whe...

Vision // Values
Centering on the Gospel, bridging generations, building strong families, and living beyond ourselves are our values that keep us focused on the mission to follow Jesus, become like Jesus, and live as Jesus lived.

Vision // Following Jesus Together
In Matthew 4:19, Jesus says, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” From this passage comes our mission statement and the definition of a disciple—someone who is following Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and living as Jesus lived!