Southall Church Podcast
Welcome to the weekly podcast of Southall Church! Our mission is to follow Jesus, become like Jesus, and live as Jesus lived. To learn more, find us on: Facebook at southallchurchtn, Instagram @southall.church, YouTube @SouthallChurch or visit our website at gracechapel.net.
Southall Church Podcast
Is There Hope For The Church In America?
Grace Chapel Church Podcast | Franklin, TN
Shodankeh Johnson joined us from Sierra Leone to preach such a powerful message on the hope for the Church in America! 🙌
God is calling the Church in America to repent, turn back to its first Love, and go out and make disciples that make disciples. But if we are going to see a disciple-making movement sweep through the Church in America, we first must see a prayer movement begin in the Church in America.