Southall Church Podcast
Welcome to the weekly podcast of Southall Church! Our mission is to follow Jesus, become like Jesus, and live as Jesus lived. To learn more, find us on: Facebook at southallchurchtn, Instagram, YouTube @SouthallChurch or visit our website at
Southall Church Podcast
Enjoying God // Our Father
In Jesus' model prayer, He teaches us to start with “Our Father” because not only does this change how we think of God, it radically changes how we think of ourselves. It’s not only a reminder of who God is, it reminds us of who we are. God invites us to address Him as our Father. Our prayers aren’t heard because of rhetoric, ritual, or religion; our prayers are heard because of relationship.
Today, go to God as your Father and be His child. Remember who He is, who you are, and who we are to one another as you pray “Our Father.”